In creative arts, students discover a variety of art forms through a study of dance, drama, music and visual arts.
Studying the creative arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform. Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives.
Students must study 100 hours of both music and visual arts during Years 7 to 10. They also have an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and skills in other art forms through elective subjects including drama, dance, photography and visual design. Students can then select from a range of courses in Years 11 to 12.
Creative and performing arts faculty
Visual arts
Visual Arts at Alstonville High School has a very strong tradition of academic excellence. The subject is offered in both the junior and senior school as an elective subject and has a strong following. Students are exposed to a wide range of creative options including, painting, photography, digital media, ceramics, printmaking, sculpture and other expressive forms as well as art research and theory. Students regularly exhibit their art works in the school. Many students' works are now on permanent display around the school as part of our ongoing exhibition program, enhancing the school environment.
The Visual Arts staff are highly motivated and experienced team. This is evidenced by the high number of students being nominated for Art Express. We have had a many as six nominations in one year recently. Students are encouraged to explore all aspects of visual arts and art theory via a innovative teaching practice and teaching programs. An after school open studio operates weekly allowing students additional studio time for completion of class tasks and major projects. In late August we host a week of cultural activities. HSC Major Works Exhibition is now a major event in the schools calendar as is our Senior CAPA Night which features HSC major works from Visual Arts, Industrial Arts and Music performances from students in Years 7 to 11.
Stephanie O'Brien - Head Teacher CAPA
Music at Alstonville High School has a very strong tradition built on a strong academic and performance approach to both Junior and Senior studies. Music is offered as an elective subject in the school. Academically HSC Music students have excelled in their studies for many years.
Music at Alstonville High school plays a significant role in the cultural and extra curricular life of the school. The Stage Band offers a unique learning opportunity for all students and performs regularly at major school functions and in the local area.The school also has several small Ensemble groupsincluding a junior string group and an excellent School Choir.
Drama is a dynamic subject at Alstonville High School . It is an Elective subject in both the junior and senior school and is dynamic in its development. Performance Nights in both the junior and senior school are a highlight.