Alstonville High School

Integrity in all aspects of life

Telephone02 6628 5222

P & C


The members of Alstonville High School Parents & Citizens' Association welcome you to our webpage.

Any parent, caregiver or citizen can become a member of the P&C Association.

There are many great and very fulfilling ways you can contribute to the school community through being a P&C member and in so doing help to provide valuable resources for students and staff.


Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (when not school holidays), at Alstonville High School (6.30pm). 

Attending meetings is a good way to find out what's happening in the school and provides an opportunity to make new friends, raise issues and participate in making decisions regarding policies and funding. The Principal or one of the Deputy Principals attends every meeting.

Meeting dates for semester 2, 2024

- July 25th 

- Aug 28th

- Sep 25th

- Oct 23rd 

- Nov 27th 

Meeting dates for semester 1, 2025

- Feb 26th 

- March 26th


You can become involved in the P&C parent run activities by:

  • Attending the monthly meetings
  • Acting as an advocate for the school
  • Offering voluntary labour and expertise
  • Organising or assisting at fundraising activities

The P&C also:

  • Assists with organising our annual Year 7 welcome BBQ and Year 6 to year 7 information night
  • Assists with our Year 12 Formal

Office bearers 2024

President: Robyn Jones

Vice president: Laura Hayward

Treasurer: Kristy Dooley

Secretary: Melissa Towner               

If you would like more information concerning P&C, please contact Alstonville High School or email the P&C at:


Following are copies of the By Laws and Constitution:

AHS By Laws (pdf 56 KB)

P&C Constitution AHS (pdf 60 KB)