Alstonville High Agriculture

The school runs a diverse agriculture program encompassing both production and amenity horticultural enterprises as well as a range of livestock enterprises that are managed with a practical focus to benefit student learning outcomes. All activities and resources are managed with agricultural science and sustainable initiatives such as pasture improvement, cell grazing/paddock rotation, stocking rates, best practice animal husbandry, reduced pesticide use, beneficial bugs, compost and waste management, soil improvement, natural fertiliser products, manual weed management and isolation of native habitat zones.
Horticultural enterprises include a stratified orchard, various ornamental plants including bonsai, rose and croton production, seedlings, vegetable cropping and aquaponics. Livestock enterprises include the schools Red Angus breeding stud, our show steer program and cattle show team, a broiler and layer chicken enterprise, worm farms, solitary bees and the silver perch in the aquaponics system.
Ashleigh Whiterod
Relieiving Agriculture Teacher